A Step-by-Step Guide to Proper Contact Lens Care

When it comes to vision correction, contact lenses are an excellent alternative to traditional eyeglasses. Not only do they offer a more natural appearance, but they also provide clearer vision and a broader field of view.

Proper contact lens care is crucial to maintaining your eye health. It's not enough to just pop them in and out whenever needed. Contact lenses sit directly on your eyes, exposing them to whatever residues or bacteria may be present.

The Importance of Contact Lens Care


The importance of proper contact lens care cannot be overstated. It's not just about maintaining the quality of your contacts; it's about safeguarding your vision. Performing contact lens care improperly can lead to serious eye infections, corneal ulcers, and/or loss of vision.

Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and amoebas can easily adhere to your contact lenses if not cleaned and stored correctly. These pathogens can cause a variety of eye conditions, including keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), conjunctivitis (pink eye), and other forms of eye infections. Proper contact lens care eliminates these microorganisms and minimizes your risk of eye infections.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Contact Lens Care


Here, we'll walk you through the proper way of cleaning, rinsing, disinfecting, and storing your contact lenses.

Firstly, always wash and dry your hands thoroughly before handling your contact lenses. Use a mild, non-perfumed soap and a lint-free towel. Your hands carry numerous bacteria and other microorganisms that can easily transfer to your lenses and then onto your eyes.

Secondly, remove one lens and place it in the palm of your hand. Apply a few drops of the recommended lens cleaning solution and gently rub the lens with your index finger. Rubbing helps dislodge any protein deposits and other residues. Next, rinse the lens thoroughly with the recommended rinsing solution.

Thirdly, after cleaning and rinsing, place the lens in a clean lens case filled with fresh disinfecting solution. The disinfecting solution will kill any remaining microorganisms on the lens. Always remember to never reuse or top off old solution in your lens case.

Finally, repeat the process with the other lens. Once you've finished, close the lens case and let your lenses soak for the recommended amount of time. This step is vital as it gives the disinfecting solution enough time to work. Remember to replace your lens case every three months to prevent bacterial growth.

Essential Tips for Safe Contact Lens Wear and Care


Following our step-by-step guide to contact lens care will undoubtedly help you maintain your lenses and eye health. However, there are additional practices that you should also keep in mind for safe contact lens wear and care.

Always follow your eye doctor's recommendations. They know your eyes and your lenses best and can provide personalized advice. Avoid wearing your contact lenses for longer than recommended, and never sleep in your lenses unless they are specifically designed for overnight wear.

Keep water away from your contact lenses. Water can harbor harmful microorganisms that can lead to serious eye infections. Remove your lenses before swimming or showering. Also, always use fresh contact lens solutions and never use water or saliva to clean your lenses.

Lastly, have regular eye examinations. Eye exams are crucial in detecting any potential eye problems early. If you experience any discomfort, redness, or vision changes, remove your lenses immediately and consult your eye care professional.

Maintaining Eye Health with Proper Contact Lens Care


Proper contact lens care is essential in maintaining your eye health and ensuring the longevity of your lenses. It involves correct cleaning, rinsing, disinfecting, and storing practices, as well as adhering to your eye care professional's advice.

To learn more about proper contact lens care or if you’re interested in contact lenses, visit Bonds Eye Care at our office in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Call (610) 269-3177 to schedule an appointment today.